Assalam-o-Alaikum, Hope you are doing great? I'm Dr Hani Ramadan, a financial consultant with Fajarah Investment PJSC, an investment company based in Dubai, UAE. Fajarah Investment PJSC is a pioneering global investor that manages a private investment portfolio and re-invest the same through a globally diversified investment. Our offer for investment is based on a purely loan/debt financing basis of 3.5% interest rate annually and through out the duration of the collaboration. I look forward to reading from you about projects and possible collaborations. Waiting for your kind response. Allah Blessings, Dr Hani Ramadan (Equity/Loan Director/Sr Consultant) Fajarah Investments PJSC Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai C1 Building, 2nd Floor, P. O. BOX 12120 Dubai, UAE. Whatsapp:.+971 52 653 0019 Email: Email: Webpage:


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